Grade 9 is so…OVER

Let’s do a quick think-capsule on our unit’s main topic:  Conformity.

Where is our thinking now?  Well, not right now, hold that thought and let’s see how these two resources help us explore conformity.


Question:  What inspires the anti-conformist, or what encourages the need to break apart from the norm?

Resource TWO


Do Orchestras Really Need Conductors?  Click for the full story on NPR HERE.

Question:  Do you think a group of individuals with a common goal still need a leader?  What has your experience been?  Who leads a group, the leader or the mass?




When you finish, please check out our rubric once more, available HERE.


17 responses to “Grade 9 is so…OVER

  1. Question 1: The anti-conformist feels the need to be different. He wants to be unique or actually he might just dislike the other guy and doesn’t want to be like him.

    Question 2: A group with a common goal still needs a leader. Even when a large group is conforming each other, there has to be someone to start the trend.

  2. From resource one, the video tells us that the guy was trying to be different form his other society. He doesn’t want to do the same thing with people. This probably provides a kind of reason, that he wanted to be special.

    From resource 2, the audio gives the inspiration to remind us that a group of individuals does need a leader. If every individual is doing their own jobs, the result won’t be as good, as if you have the leader to control each individuals so they get more synchronized.

  3. Question 1: I think that people are forced to not conform or they choose to not conform because something they should’ve been conforming to contains something that they do not like or favor. It can be anything, just something that they are against or do not like, I think that is what makes people NOT conform to society.
    Question 2: I think yes, there has to be a leader. My experience is in my CAS project, “The Invisible Children of Indonesia”, and Kathleen is the leader of our group. The leader of a group or mass doesn’t have absolute power, the leader of a group represents the group, stands up for it, and is generally the one to take the next step forward, that is what I think.

  4. I think that the anti-conformist don’t want to change their personality to conform to a group. And by seeing the video. I think he don’t want to do the same thing with the other person, because he wants to be special. Which was not doing the same thing.

    I think a group needs a leader to reach the goals. Why???? When I hear the difference between an orchestra with conductor and not. With conductor the music they play are better. Because leader are the one who make the group move forward. Thats why leader is very important in a group.

  5. What inspires the anti-conformist, or what encourages the need to break apart from the norm?

    Some people simply hate mainstream. They do not like looking at the same thing again and again, listening to the same Gangnam Style on the radio, tv, or on youtube for the one thousandth time. They get bored of seeing people with hipster-styled glasses everywhere they walk. They get so bored and sick of the same thing again and again that they decide at some point they do not want to conform because it annoys them so much. Seeing the same thing again and again encourages them to break apart and be different because they favor originality, and do not always want to be the follower.

    Do you think a group of individuals with a common goal still need a leader? What has your experience been? Who leads a group, the leader or the mass?
    It always depends. When everyone can communicate well, and does their job smoothly, a leader is not needed. Leaders are to make sure everyone does that work and follows the right path. If everyone communicates well, knows what they have to do, and is on the right path, a leader is not needed. Like the orchestra, everyone knows what note to hit because they have their music scores, and everyone knows that they are playing on the right tempo, right note, right crescendo. (Because if they do not play it right it will sound different). If they cannot communicate well and walk on the right path, a leader is needed to lead them. From my experience, same thing happens. When everyone knows their job, does it, and communicates well, then a leader will not appear. But when everyone is passive and does not want to do work, then a leader will rise and start to get people to speak, come up with something, divide jobs between people and make sure they do them. The leader is usually not appointed, but ‘appears’ voluntarily when they see a situation where a leader is needed. These people usually have stronger leading instincts.

  6. I think what inspires them to be different or break apart from the rule is that they have seen the same thing in repeated times. The leader definitely leads the group to achieve a particular goal as the leader to start something completely new with different ideas being produced by the leader itself and the mass.

  7. The things that encourage anti conformist to break apart from the norm is the ability and have the confidence to think differently and understand the benefits of being a one of a kind individual. They feel that there is no need to please society, they do what they feel is right and has the most benefit to them and towards society, even if everyone does not necessarily agree with their decisions.

    I definitely think that a group of individuals who have common goals do not need a leader because they should have the ability to think and lead themselves in order to achieve that “goal”. The experience I have that is similar to this, is that in many group projects, it is usually more fair when the work gets distributed and when everyone takes the initiative to get the job done!

  8. 1. I think what inspires them is being themselves and not following others to fit in. They don’t follow what majority does, but they make their own trends, they don’t want to follow others, because they want to feel different and unique.

    2. I think a group of individuals with a common goal still need a leader, because they still need someone to inspire them to do something that is recommended to achieve their goals. I think all the members in a group should be a leader, just by sharing ideas and give new ideas.

  9. I think what anti-conformist thinks is that they need to be different because they want their own path and way in life. They might think that if they’re the same to someone their life might lead to the same point later.

    Yes I think that a group with a common goal should have a leader. It doesn’t really matter who it is, because they know what they’re trying to achieve. But they still need a leader, someone who can lead people to the right way when it goes wrong. Someone to guide them so they can be certain that they will achieve what they want.

  10. What inspires the anti-conformist, or what encourages the need to break apart from the norm?
    What inspire the anti-conformist is the choice of themselves to be different and decided to not change themselves to be apart of a strange community. The anti-conformist have a belief and self-confidence inside themselves that they can find people who will accept them the way they are.

    Do you think a group of individuals with a common goal still need a leader? What has your experience been? Who leads a group, the leader or the mass?
    Yes I think a group of individuals still need a leader because, to lead the group to a certain direction or decision there must be someone who take the lead so that the group can move a long together. The one that lead a group is the leader, although the leader still ask for the mass’s opinions, the leader still the one that take in charge of it.

  11. Question: What inspires the anti-conformist, or what encourages the need to break apart from the norm?

    The anti-conformist avoid main stream trends because they hope that society will think them as cool or even unique.

    Question: Do you think a group of individuals with a common goal still need a leader? What has your experience been? Who leads a group, the leader or the mass?

    Yes, I think everyone need a leader. A leader helps us with organizing the group but don’t have to do every single work. Everyone in the group had to help as well.

  12. For the first question the anti-conformist wants to be different and unique. He doesn’t want to be the same and he doesn’t want anyone to be like him. And for the second question, I think there’s a need to have a leader, however, a leader that does not lead the group and let others speak up.

  13. I think that what inspires anti-conformist is that they want to shine, they want to be perfect at their field. They are willing to do things that other people won’t. Like the famous NBA star, Larry Bird, he was a point guard, before each match, he dribbled the entire court to find out there the ground was bumpy so he knew where not to dribble the ball. He was willing to do things other people won’t do. Another example is the Yankee catcher, Posada, he trained himself to be left handed, because he knew that being a left hander would earn him a place in M.L.B. He was willing to do things other people won’t do. I think a group who have a common goal still need a leader, some one that the group members will look to when difficult situation arises. Like when I was a head boy, when ever the teacher was gone, everyone asked me what to do concerning certain projects and homework. I think that mass and leader both lead the group, the leader makes the decision, but group mainly decides what good for them.

  14. Anti-conformist feels they need to be different. Watching the video I think he don’t want to do the same thing with the other person, because he wants to be special, he wants to be different.

    I do think a group with with a common goal still needs a leader. If the group doesn’t have a leader the group will be messed up. The result won’t be good as the group having a leader. In a group if there is a leader to control the people than the group will get more synchronized.

  15. For the first video, a man is envying the other person then that man is trying to be same with him. Therefore it demonstrates that nowadays in the society, the people are flowing with the trends. The man is not going with in his own path.

    For the second one, I think there should be a conductor. The reason is that after I heard the differences between the two songs which are played with a conductor and with no conductor. The song that was played with a conductor sounds better because the beats were accurate and the harmony was wonderful.

  16. The anti-conformist always wants to be different from others, and not changing themselves to fit into the society to be the same. They try to make new styles, and trends.

    I think a group of individuals with a common goal still need a leader. My experience is, when we have a group project, there always must be one people that leads the project, tell the other member what they should do, and listen to others’ opinion to develop those opinions together. Overall, there must be a leader that leads the group even though they have a common goal.

  17. Question: What inspires the anti-conformist, or what encourages the need to break apart from the norm?
    I think that the first man with the chin beard wanted to stand out by himself and didn’t want to do the same thing as what other people did. Now days there are not many anti-conformist, they all look the same and i think that people has to start to show their own individuality.

    Question: Do you think a group of individuals with a common goal still need a leader? What has your experience been? Who leads a group, the leader or the mass?
    Yes if they have a leader it would have been much organized like the orchestra. Almost everyone could see right away that the first song played had a leader because it is much more organized.

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